Welcome to pyg!¶
- pyg.base
- pyg.mongo
- pyg.timeseries
- Tutorials
- pyg.base.Dict
- pyg.base.dictable
- Motivation: dictable as an organiser of research flow
- Same code, in dictable
- dictable functionality
- construction
- row access
- column access
- d is a dict so supports the usual keys(), values() and items():
- column and row access are commutative
- adding records
- adding/modifying columns
- do
- removing columns
- removing rows
- sort
- listby(keys)
- unlist
- groupby(keys) and ungroup
- inner join
- inner join (with other columns that match names)
- cross join
- xor (versus left and right join)
- pivot
- a few observations:
- pyg.mongo
- pyg.base.cell
- pyg.base.join
- pyg.timeseries
- pyg.timeseries decorators
- pyg.timeseries.ewma